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Bus privatisation a disaster

The announcement that the NSW Government is planning to privatise all of Sydney’s buses is a bitter blow for workers and commuters who can now expect fewer local bus services, stop closures, and significant delays to services. The NSW Transport Minister has announced that he is selling off all of Sydney’s remaining buses. Tenders are expected to open in early next year and the move said to be finalised in a year and a half.

'We know privatisation doesn’t work. Recent bus privatisation in the inner-west and Newcastle has failed dismally. On-time running is down, routes have been cut, stops have closed, and workers’ conditions have plummeted,' Tram and Bus Division Secretary of the Rail, Tram and Bus Union (RTBU) NSW, David Babineau said.

'We’ve seen the shocking impact it has had on services and bus drivers in Sydney’s inner-west and in Newcastle – it beggars belief that the NSW Government wants to expand a failed experiment throughout Sydney. The is no justification whatsoever for this decision. In Region 6, on-time running has plummeted since the service was privatised. Since taking over, the private company has failed to meet its on-time running KPIs every month.

'Bus drivers have also borne the brunt of privatisation in Newcastle and Region 6, with significant impacts on pay and conditions. Commuters deserve to know their current routes and services are going to be protected, and bus drivers deserve to know their wages and conditions are also going to protected. The onus is now on the NSW Government to show how it is going to protect workers’ conditions as well as the world-class public service the people of Sydney deserve if it insists on continuing down this unjustifiable route.'



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