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  • Can I contribute content to the Evatt Foundation's website?
    We positively invite and encourage contributions, particularly from our members. Contributions must be consistent with the Evatt Foundation's Statement of Purpose and we fully reserve the right to decide what we will publish, but don't let that put you off. We would like to hear from you, we'd like to read your material, and we're happy to provide advice and assistance. We also recommend that you read our guidelines for contributors, and make sure you stay in touch by subscribing to our free online Evatt Journal.
  • Can I republish something from the Evatt Foundation's website?
    Sorry, no you can't, unless you get permission. We are heavily predisposed to say 'yes', but the material is generally original or published with permission and therefore you must also ask permission. We'll do everything we can to support re-publishing that's consistent with the purpose of the Evatt Foundation, but please get in touch to get the OK.
  • How often do you issue the Evatt Journal?
    We publish when we have enough new material to make an issue worthwhile. Usually the Evatt Journal tends to be published at around two monthly intervals, but sometimes it appears monthly and sometimes less frequently.
  • Why can't I find what I'm looking for?
    Probably because the item been deleted for some reason. An Evatt event that's already happened is the most likely form of item to be deleted. Or you could be folowing a link that has gone dead and we haven't realised. Some material has also been lost in the transmissions between generations of the Evatt website. Try the search facility, or send us an email if you want help.
  • Can I do research for the Evatt Foundation?
    There are no paid research positions available at the Evatt Foundation at present. While you can't work for us, you can work with us. The Foundation often works with other people and organisations on projects consistent with our Statement of Purpose. We'd be glad to consider any proposal you put forward.
  • Can I do voluntary work for the Foundation?
    Yes, almost certainly. Evatt is supported by the voluntary efforts of many people. Contact us.
  • What are the guidelines for contributors?
    If you're thinking of contributing, the following advice will probably be helpful: Evatt Journal: Guidelines for Contributors There are no hard and fast rules; except that the executive committee fully reserves the right to decide what Evatt will publish. We mainly aim to publish material that would be suitable for a magazine or journal. The Evatt site is not an online newspaper. We place a premium on original, thoughtful, crisp and lively contributions that are at least one step removed from the daily news cycle. Contributions cannot be inconsistent with the Foundation's Statement of Purpose. There are no hard limits on the forms of contributions: news, scholarship, opinion, reports, essays, polemics, speech transcripts, conference talks, briefings, reviews, stories, humour, and any and every other form of writing is potentially publishable. Many contributors are academics but you certainly don't need to be an academic. Priority is given to Evatt members and authors associated with the labour movement. We aim to promptly advise contributors about whether we'll publish their work, but this isn't always possible if we're busy or away, or if the work has to be refereed, or if there is a delay with our editorial committee. If you don't hear in a hurry, please be patient. If your contribution is accepted it will often be posted almost immediately. But sometimes it might take a little time - sometimes weeks, maybe even a month or so if there are a lot of demands on Evatt. Please be patient. We'll email you when it's posted. Although your contributions are physically posted as opportunities arise, the work is formally cited as published in the following issue of the Evatt Journal. Contributions may be edited to conform to the site's house style (e.g., single sentence speech paragraphs are usually converted to conventional written paragraphs; capitals are taken down wherever possible, such as in the generic ‘government’). There aren't hard rules about word length (the beauty of the web!). Shorter pieces of up to 1000 words will generally be posted as news items; longer pieces will be posted as papers. We generally don't like fussy material. Charts, tables and figures should be avoided if possible. We generally don't like endnotes because they're time-consuming, but can tolerate them if they're really justified (and we understand that sometimes they’re essential), If you peruse the site, you should be able to see pretty quickly what will or won't sit well. We would appreciate an illustration and advice of relevant links. Please be generous in acknowledging and linking to sources you rely upon. Don’t be shy about referring and linking to your other work in the sign-off. Your readers won't necessarily be specialists. Please think of that elusive personage: the average educated citizen who wishes to understand and participate in public debate. If you have any queries or wish to discuss a contribution, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. We look forward to receiving your contribution.
  • Can the Evatt Foundation do research for me?
    Yes, almost certainly. The Evatt Foundation undertakes research for people and organisations on a fee for service basis, provided it's consistent with our Statement of Purpose. Make an inquiry today.
  • How can I find out more about Doc Evatt?
    Read the article on our site, Doc Evatt. Use the search facility to find many other articles on the site about the Doc. You can visit the Evatt Collection at the Flinders University of South Australia.
  • How is the Evatt Foundation funded?
    From membership fees, donations, research, conferences, publications and projects. We don't receive grants from any government or other institution. A major reason for the success of the Foundation has been the support of a loyal membership. Become a member today.
  • What is The State of the States?
    The state of the states was an annual Evatt report published for 14 years. In this project, Evatt aimed to measure the performance of each state government and draw attention to policies at the sub-national level. The series was concluded in 2007 because the main objectives have been met: the international financial credit rating agencies have been discredited worldwide, and these days no Australian government would consider running for re-election without presenting polices that address the triple-bottom-line of social, economic and environmental objectives. The back issues are still useful, partly as reference material but also because there are many policy essays on particular issues and areas that remain overlooked in public debate.
  • Is the Evatt Foundation part of the Labor Party?
    The Evatt Foundation isn't directly affiliated with any political party. Evatt is afflilated with the University of Sydney and stands for the highest ideals of the labour movement, but technically it's an entirely independent body, consistent with its Statement of Purpose.
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  • What types of membership does the Evatt Foundation offer?
    Individuals: $50 p.a. Concessional (low income) individuals: $25.00 p.a. Small organisations (>1000 members): $250.00 p.a. Medium organisations (<2000 members): $500.00 p.a. Large organisations (20000 + members): $1000.00 p.a.
  • Why should I join the Evatt Foundation?
    Learn more about Evatt Foundation membership and why you should join here.
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