Sat, 15 Mar
|345 Edgecliff Rd
Liberty, fraternity and…what was that other word?
How equality fell off the political agenda in Australia
Time & Location
15 Mar 2014, 6:30 pm
345 Edgecliff Rd, 345 Edgecliff Rd, Edgecliff NSW 2027, Australia
About the Event
How equality fell off the political agenda in Australia
Barry Jones AO
An Evatt Foundation fundraiser.
Members, friends and supporters of the Evatt Foundation and the labour movement are invited to a buffet dinner with one of Australia's national treasures at the home of Bruce Childs & Yola Lucire.
Featuring live music by Frank Stilwell & Andrew Mack.
6.30 for 7.00 p.m. Saturday 15 March 2014.
Hon. Dr. Barry Jones, AO, FAA, FAHA, FTSE, FASSA, FRSA, FRSV, FACE, FAIM was a Member of the House of Representatives for the Victorian Electorate of Lalor 1977-98. In the first three Hawke Governments he became Australia’s longest serving Science Minister 1983-90. He was a Victorian State MP 1972-77. He served as National President of the Australian Labor Party 1992-2000 and 2005-06.
In 1985 Barry became the only Australian Minister invited to address a Summit meeting of the ‘Group of Seven’ northern industrial powers, in Ottawa. In 1987 he chaired OECD’s review of the Yugoslavian economy. He is the only person to have been elected as a Fellow of all four Australian learned Academies: Technological Sciences and Engineering (FTSE) in 1992, the Humanities (FAHA) in 1993, Science (FAA) in 1996, and Social Sciences (FASSA) in 2003.
His book Sleepers, Wake!: Technology and the Future of Work (Oxford University Press, 1982), ran to 26 impressions and was translated into Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Swedish and braille. His other books include the Dictionary of World Biography (1994), a best seller, most recently revised in 1998. His autobiography, A Thinking Reed (Allen & Unwin) was published in 2006.
In June 1990 Barry took part in an international think tank invited to investigate ‘perestroika’ in the USSR and make recommendations to Mikhail Gorbachev. He served on the Executive Board of UNESCO in Paris 1991-95, as Vice President of the World Heritage Committee 1995-96 and a consultant to OECD.
In 1999 he was appointed an Adjunct Professor at Monash University and elected as a Visiting Fellow Commoner at Trinity College, Cambridge. He became Chair of the Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority PAHSMA) in 2000, a Vice Chancellor’s Fellow at the University of Melbourne 2005-07 and a Professorial Fellow from 2007. The National Trust has classed Barry as a National Living Treasure.
Event Cost:
$125 ($50 for pensioners & the unemployed)
RSVP: 0412 803 457